21 Mayıs 2018

İkon Tower İzmir

Paylaş EmailTwitterFacebookGoogle +PinterestTumblrLinkedinVkontakte İkon Tower İzmir İkon Tower is the most iconic structure of İzmir which will take place in 2 stages consisting of Baza and Kul. Our company, which has carried out a design that has never been done before in our 1 st stage lighting project, is 10 mt. has achieved an out-of-the-ordinary [...]
1 Mart 2018

Mahall Ankara – Türkerler Holding

Mahall Ankara - Türkerler Holding Mahall was the most distinctive feature of Ankara, which distinguishes daytime outlook from similar projects, with specially manufactured twisted sun breakers. It was necessary to keep the evening of these senses, which burgers, which added a great dynamism to the building, created in the daytime. Looking at the surrounding buildings, [...]
ARC I Mimari Led Aydınlatma

Dış cephe mimari aydınlatma projelerinde yer alan ARC Mimari Led Aydınlatma firmamız öncelikle aydınlatma tasarımını bir video sunumu ile hazırlayıp, dmx pixel dot ile dış cephe led giydirme ya da dmx line ile dış cephe mimari led aydınlatma armatürleri kullanarak ikonik yapılara uyumlu led cephe ya da cephelerde pixel led ekran uygulamaları yapar. Kullanmakta olduğumuz ürünler kaliteli dmx kontrollü wall washer, dmx dot pixel, dmx lineer tarzı RGB led aydınlatma armatürleridir.